User Level Reports

1. Navigate To Reports

Before you can start creating your user report, you will need to Navigate to reports

2. Users

Click on the 'users' box by either using the quick links box or the sidebar.

From here, you will be presented with a users table.

You are able to customise your report by using the filters that can be found towards the top of the user training reports table.

You can filter the report by the following:

  1. First attempt or most recent attempt
  2. Courses
  3. Groups

In the example below, we have selected 1 group, 1 course and kept the default tutorial attempt.

Screenshot of example user report

3. User List

You have the option to dive further into a user to get a user specific overview. Once you have clicked into a specific user, you have the option to save that users overview or download the CSV directly from the table.

To do this, click on the users name that you want an overview for. In the example below, we have clicked into 'Alri Rickets' user account.

Screenshot of the user account

4. Save

For more information on how to save a report, take a look at our How to create a custom report

Screenshot of the save custom report button

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