Cypher City
“A metropolis under attack from a mysterious cybercriminal. A malicious entity lurking behind every information system. An enigmatic enemy striking fear into the hearts of good people. You’ll stride the shadowy streets, gaze across the sinister skyline, and work tirelessly to help the desperate people of this town - for you alone can fight off this malevolent force...”
- Hut Six, Cypher City

This course follows on from our Cyber Awareness course. Rather than instructional tutorials, Cypher City consists of fictional scenarios through which users must navigate by using their knowledge of information and cyber security.
Users assist characters through Information Security challenges in a noir-themed metropolis, where not everything is as it seems. In a shocking twist of fate, users must think like cyber criminals to better understand cyber security.
Cypher City Scenarios (To be confirmed)
As with our other scenario-based courses, the twenty-seven Cyber Awareness topics will be distributed evenly across the twelve scenarios so that you can pick and choose the scenarios you want and build your course as you like it.
Check out our other scenario-based courses: Openmind and Cyber Command